Adrian Gonzalez was born in a valley somewhere in South America, raised by a first-class family in the third world. He studied solfege at the Conservatorio Juan Jose Landaeta until moving to Miami at the age of 14. Became a multi-instrumentalist out of curiosity and happenstance. Later on became a vocalist out of necessity and circumstance. He's got no Grammys or Junos or awards to boast about (except for the top prize at the 2000 Miami-Dade Community College - Kendall Campus Composition Contest). He has played in many local bands in the last 20 years, settling in with local stalwarts Suenalo (suenalomusic.com) for the last 10. He also spearheads his own project OIGO (oigomusic.com), a non-genre specific outfit focused on groove, songwriting and good times. Adrian has a knack for writing familiarly sounding original tunes. He also wrote this bio.
Performances on Make Music Day
8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Lincoln Road - Euclid Circle
1623 Euclid Ave South Beach